This is a topic we hear about daily but most of us don’t practice it. Forgiveness has a lot of benefits added to it. For Example, if someone stole from you and the person returns it and begs for your forgiveness, most people will say I forgive just for you to leave them alone but in their hearts, they actually don’t forgive you. Some other people will actually forgive you, and some will tell you to your face that you are not
forgiven and there is nothing that you can do about it. Now, these various people, who do you feel will have a light head or have fewer things to think about? I can’t force you to say anything but if you ask me, I would say that the most light-headed people are the ones that forgive you from their hearts. Some people might not agree with what I have said but like it or not, I will say my mind. I have made my own research about this topic and many people fall into the first category of people that I talked about, which are the ones that claim that they have forgiven you but they don’t mean it.
To cut the long story short, try to forgive and forget. It might be very hard but also it can be very fulfilling. For example, Jesus Christ died for our sins in order for God to forgive our past, present and our future actions. Even Our Lord’s Prayer talks about it. It says, “Forgive our debt, as we forgive our debtors” in some other Bible translations, you see “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”. These statements have fully explained everything that I want to say about everything.
forgiven and there is nothing that you can do about it. Now, these various people, who do you feel will have a light head or have fewer things to think about? I can’t force you to say anything but if you ask me, I would say that the most light-headed people are the ones that forgive you from their hearts. Some people might not agree with what I have said but like it or not, I will say my mind. I have made my own research about this topic and many people fall into the first category of people that I talked about, which are the ones that claim that they have forgiven you but they don’t mean it.
To cut the long story short, try to forgive and forget. It might be very hard but also it can be very fulfilling. For example, Jesus Christ died for our sins in order for God to forgive our past, present and our future actions. Even Our Lord’s Prayer talks about it. It says, “Forgive our debt, as we forgive our debtors” in some other Bible translations, you see “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”. These statements have fully explained everything that I want to say about everything.
I leave you with these words to ponder on. I know that I may not be perfect but I try my possible best to be as good as I can be. Nobody is perfect. Some people will say forgive and forget, I’m very sure those people have not been hurt really badly. As for me, I would say, “FORGIVE AND TRY TO FORGET”
Thanks for Reading,
Rukky Ujara.
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