Sunday, July 19, 2015


John 3:16 "for God so loved the world that he gave His ONLY begotten son..."

Alright...God so loved you that He sacrificed His beloved for you and yet you are not grateful. What are you giving to Him? Is it just about asking and receiving from Him? Do you actually think He is obliged to bless you? Or you feel you are where you are just because of your hard-work? Oh you feel like you can do all you want to do by your strength, power or connection right? All of a sudden giving your tithe and offering is a big work load for you...Just every time you give the excuse of "but I am not working?" or "If I remove my tithe from my salary, how much would I be left with?” You even find it hard to create a spare time for God! Praying and studying your bible is now a “waste of time” and even when the Holy Spirit reminds you, you procrastinate. Remember the times when worshiping God and praising Him was a daily routine for you, and now; that zeal is gone. Your desires to know God and to make Him known, your intercession for lost souls has suddenly ceased. You need to retrace your steps immediately.

God has always been faithful and merciful to you. His love and grace has been your banner for years and the amazing part is that He hasn't changed, so why should you? Go back to God, make Him your first priority. Let Him be the first on your “Scale of Preference”…Open your heart to Jesus and let Him in, don’t keep Him waiting. He still loves you and always will, all He needs is your attention and time. Don’t stop praising Him and tell Him how much you love Him because he deserves it all. Say yes to Jesus now, do not procrastinate and let Him be at the center of your life. Give your tithes and offering-It brings forth supernatural breakthrough, favor, blessing and exceeding grace. Use your God-given talents to God’s glory. Bless a soul with care and affection, just as God has shown to you.



Thursday, April 09, 2015


In this life, everything we do relates to choices. From the beginning of the time God has blessed us with freewill. For example, we have Adam and Eve that God placed in the Garden of Eden and told them not to eat from a particular tree and they both had the choice of either eating from the tree and disobeying God’s order or not eating from the tree and obeying God, but they didn’t. It was a choice that they both made.

 Another Example is in Lev 18, the whole chapter is talking about how humans are not supposed to be having sexual relations amongst your close relations, with animals and the same sex amongst other things. Now, the Bible has given you the law and it’s your turn to do obey or disobey the words of the Bible. Either doing what’s right or wrong.

In our everyday lives, we have the right to choose or rather make choices. We have the opportunity to make the right choices now that we’re alive. No matter what you do, know that your choice determines where you end up tomorrow or what you’ll turn out to be in the future. Also, in every good choice we make, God is backing us up. Even when we make the wrong choices, God is there to forgive us.

“Your choice can make or break you”. 
- Rukky Ujara

Wednesday, April 08, 2015


Just hearing the word, lights up my world. It is one thing that has proven to be inspiring and very enjoyable. Sometimes, people release songs that some people would call music but I call it noise. Well, genres like classical music, r n’ b, and some other interesting genres of music. Personally, I love all genres of music but rap is my game. I don’t freestyle but I can rap to different songs of Lecrae, Mateo Vic and many more. Music, music, music. There was this story I read about in an American newspaper, it was about a kid that had already been certified dead and about three hours after he died, his mum decided to play his best song which was Adele’s Don’t You Remember. The second minute into the song, the child began to move his hands trying to send a signal of him being alive. This just helps me define how beautiful music is.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

A day to Celebrate our mothers. Well, I'm celebrating my mum today. Sherry Ujara, the most wonderful mum a girl could ask for and could ever have.

She has always been there for me. Even when I annoy her, do things that I'm not supposed to and disturb her,when I'm not supposed to, she still stands by me. You'll always be my heroine. Sweet mother, I will never forget all that you have suffered for me. Even when I can't sleep probably because I'm sick, she'll help me sleep. She's caring, loving, understanding, trustworthy and so many things you ask God for in a friend. 

Thank you mum for all you've done for me. I love you and I will one day pay you back for doing your job in the right way.

Monday, March 09, 2015

Think On It

Hello there,

I don't know how it feels to be homeless but I know that there are children everywhere in the world that don't have parents to care for them and yet they don't die, they live and fight for what they believe in. You can also fight for what you believe in. Don't wait till you're homeless. While there are so many children that have parents and don't treasure them. No matter what you do, no matter who you are, if you have a parent and you don't tell them how much you love them, I think you should start now because you don't know what tomorrow can hold for you and your parents.

No matter how many weddings you hear of every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, there are still people out there that can't get married just because they don't have parents. Not because they don't have manners or because they can't cook or even because they don't want to get married but it's all because they don't have parents.

I don't know who I'm talking to or who you are reading this short note, think back and try to remember the last time you genuinely told your mum or dad you love them or even when last you just decided to thank them for everything they have done for you despite your stubbornness and your rudeness and everything that you've done wrong to them. I ask you to take time out of your supposed busy schedule and make out time to be with your parents, tell them how much you love them and always tell them because you know not when God will need them back (if you know what I mean).

Thanks for reading,
God Bless.

Monday, March 02, 2015


This is a thing of choice. Some parents force their children to go to school to learn, but they always or most times come back with bad results. The children may not even want to learn what they were sent to school to learn. Whenever a child doesn't agree with the choice of study, he/she most times don't learn anything from whatever is being taught in school. Yes, we learn everyday but doesn't mean we learn good things.

The way Mr. A learns, is different from the way Mr. B learns. Mr. A could be someone that likes reading in the night because he understands better then, while, Mr. b could be someone that likes reading during the day time. Mr. A could be the kind of person thast listens in class and understands and can write a test on what was just taught but Mr. b could be the kind of person that needs to listen very carefully in class, read his book after the class and revise during the week in order to be able to pass a test or even understand what the teacher has taught.

Learning is an everyday process, no matter what we do, we learn a thing or two everyday which is very beneficiary to us. For some people it's hard for them to learn or rather assimilate things. Whenever i see people acting all funny when they feel that they wouldn't get caught or that it won't backfire, I laugh because they don't know what they're missing.

"Learning is a permanent thing in life." Peace out, Rhukhi Dee.

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Types of People

I look around me and I see different type of people:

The ones that show how much they care,
The ones that act like they care,
The ones that care,
The ones that try to care but don't know how to,
The ones that prefer to lie to your face,
The ones that can never lie to you,
The ones that are always there,
The ones that want to be there,
The ones that are physically present but emotionally absent,
The ones that you love,
The ones that love you,
The ones that dislike you,
The ones that you dislike,
The ones that you want to see,
The ones that you don't want to see,
And the best of all, also the best type is,
The ones that you love and they love you back.

Which one are you?


Words, they move mountains. Words can kill. They have a certain power that cannot be easily controlled. Most times we speak words but we do not have an idea on the effect that it has on peoples's lives. Words can be used to express ourselves but most times we don't know how to use the right words. We sometimes utter word of stupidity that have effect in our lives. We don't know that words have a certain way in which they act or work on our lives.  
Just to put a reminder in our heads, God used "Words" to create the world, we can find this in Gen 1:3(KJV) which said and I quote, "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." . We can also see it in other parts in the book of Genesis Chapter 1. These words were so powerful that the firmament just lightened up. This happened because of the words that God spoke.Words bore holes in the hearts of man. 
Hearing the kind of words being used today by the teenagers and even some parents, I shake my head and pray that God forgives us all. We can improve our environment by using words. I noticed that the words that someone speaks can change the thoughts that you have of that particular person, it could be good or even be bad. Words sow seeds in our lives. I learnt this from one of my role models Pastor Ntia Ubong, while he was referencing Dr. Masaru Emoto and The Water Crystals.Words are powerful. I know how much positive words work in our lives. Negative words are inevitable. I’ll leave you with these words, “Words are powerful, wonderful and beautiful, we need to use them right”.
You can read more on it from  You'll learn more from him.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Why? (Questions to ponder on)

Why is love so complicated?
Why can’t we choose who we love?
Why can’t we choose why we love someone?
Why can’t the people we love, love us equally?
Why do we love love, when love seems hate us?

Why do people never understand?
Why is it that people never use the right words?
Why is it that the wrong people use the right words?
Why is it that the right people use the wrong words?
Why is it that whenever we expect something, we don’t get it?
Why do we always not see the good things that stare us right in the face?

Why can’t people understand when the joke is getting too much?
Why can’t people get it when you don’t want to play?
Why is it so hard to understand how angry someone can get for the little things done to us in life?
Why do people keep pushing their luck?
Why can’t we make things happen?
Why do we always have to explain ourselves?
Why can’t people try to read our expressions?