Monday, March 09, 2015

Think On It

Hello there,

I don't know how it feels to be homeless but I know that there are children everywhere in the world that don't have parents to care for them and yet they don't die, they live and fight for what they believe in. You can also fight for what you believe in. Don't wait till you're homeless. While there are so many children that have parents and don't treasure them. No matter what you do, no matter who you are, if you have a parent and you don't tell them how much you love them, I think you should start now because you don't know what tomorrow can hold for you and your parents.

No matter how many weddings you hear of every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, there are still people out there that can't get married just because they don't have parents. Not because they don't have manners or because they can't cook or even because they don't want to get married but it's all because they don't have parents.

I don't know who I'm talking to or who you are reading this short note, think back and try to remember the last time you genuinely told your mum or dad you love them or even when last you just decided to thank them for everything they have done for you despite your stubbornness and your rudeness and everything that you've done wrong to them. I ask you to take time out of your supposed busy schedule and make out time to be with your parents, tell them how much you love them and always tell them because you know not when God will need them back (if you know what I mean).

Thanks for reading,
God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. So true. Most times,our parents re not the perfect people who did want to talk to but when they are gone,you value them even more and wish you could speak to them all day but it is too late.
