As we climb up today,life will get more challenging but when life’s challenges
overwhelm us, we must remember our ABC- the ABCs of life.
We should take the A and Accept the challenge;
the B and Believe in ourselves;
the C and Confess our hopes and dreams;
the D, the Determination to achieve our dreams;
E, Expect some obstacles on our way;
F, we should Fight until we finish our course;
G, we should Get God on our side;
H, Have a hand in helping the leadership;
I, Inspire someone else;
and J, take Jesus on our journey;
we should K, Keep on keeping on;
and L, be Leaders;
M, Make every day count;
and N, Never give up;
we must O, Overcome our obstacles;
and P, Put on our best performance;
we must Q, Quit quitting;
and R, Run the race with patience;
S, Strive on;
while T, Trusting in the Lord,
we should U, Use our talent;
and V, Value our time;
W, Wait for understanding;
then X, X-ray, our own lifestyles;
Y, Yearn to achieve all that we seek;
and Z, be Zealous when reaching the top!