Friday, December 25, 2015


A time to share
A time to give
A time receive
A time to think on everything
This is a period
Where people look back
And thank God for all He has done
On this day
Christ was born
He came into this world
As a Saviour
He came and brought joy to the world
On this day
There are smiles on people's faces
Many questions are asked
Many are answered
Some are not answerable
But let us not forget that
Jesus is the reason for the season
Give and be Blessed
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

-Rukky Ujara

Friday, December 04, 2015

The ABC of life

As we climb up today,life will get more challenging but when life’s challenges
overwhelm us, we must remember our ABC- the ABCs of life.
We should take the A and Accept the challenge;
the B and Believe in ourselves; 
the C and Confess our hopes and dreams;
the D, the Determination to achieve our dreams;
E, Expect some obstacles on our way; 
F, we should Fight until we finish our course; 
G, we should Get God on our side; 
H, Have a hand in helping the leadership; 
I, Inspire someone else; 
and J, take Jesus on our journey; 
we should K, Keep on keeping on; 
and L, be Leaders; 
M, Make every day count;
and N, Never give up; 
we must O, Overcome our obstacles; 
and P, Put on our best performance; 
we must Q, Quit quitting; 
and R, Run the race with patience; 
S, Strive on;
while T, Trusting in the Lord, 
we should U, Use our talent; 
and V, Value our time; 
W, Wait for understanding; 
then X, X-ray, our own lifestyles;
Y, Yearn to achieve all that we seek; 
and Z, be Zealous when reaching the top!